January 22, 2025
Meet Yoshika, an accomplished HPHS senior, CYD Career Leader, and future doctor with ambitions that extend to the nonprofit sector.
Comprehensive Youth Development: Our Mission
Comprehensive Youth Development partners with NYC public high schools to prepare young adults, ages 14- 24, to secure a successful future for themselves and their families. Through this partnership, our students develop the capability to graduate from high school and make informed decisions on higher education and careers.
Forging paths to success
Comprehensive Youth Development believes that education enables equity, and that all of NYC’s young people deserve to graduate from high school with an actionable postsecondary plan that will help them join the 21st century economy.
Since 1995, CYD has worked with underserved youth ages 14-24, addressing barriers and paving the way for them to pursue higher education, training, or employment that can lead to sustainable wages and help break generational cycles of poverty.
Whether a young person comes to us for tutoring or college advisement, to learn digital or financial literacy, discuss career options or find a vocational training program, CYD tailors our free services to meet that student’s specific needs. We also meet social and emotional needs – through counseling, connections to pro bono attorneys, and medical and housing referrals – that can stand in the way of success.
Our services are intensive, individualized, integrated, instructional, and inspirational. See them in action in this 90 second video: