Ramey Watkins

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

Ramey Watkins sought out Board opportunities which would allow her to make a tangible difference in the community and found her match with Comprehensive Youth Development’s efforts to “help the youth of this city to succeed in unconventional ways in circumstances where traditional educational opportunities just aren’t the right fit.”

Visits to the partner high schools have inspired Ramey. “I am amazed by the programs and resources that Comprehensive Youth Development is helping to bring to the students. I have been able to witness how the staff at the schools are providing invaluable advice and changing the direction of students’ lives. Seeing these programs firsthand makes you realize just how important it is to ensure we can reach even more students.”

Ramey joined the Compliance Division of Goldman Sachs in 2010 and is currently a Managing Director, working in Investment Banking Division Compliance. She joined the Board in 2019.

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