
A City-As-School student and professional actor, Felix is planning to pursue his dreams of working in the industry and going to college.

Many young people dream of becoming performers. For Felix, a City-As-School senior, a professional career in show business is already a reality. His résumé includes almost 50 jobs, including TV shows such as City on a Hill and Gossip Girl, movies, theater, and commercials. “When I was 12, my mom asked if I wanted to go to a film set, and I said sure, so we went. I became an extra and I just fell in love with it.”

Felix plans to continue to study acting when he graduates. His CYD advisor is helping him find training and scholarship opportunities that will build skills for an acting career – such as applying to the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute. “I don’t see myself in college right now, but I really want to find acting work and other work in the industry – sets, different kinds of work, anything! Then in the future, once I’m financially stable, that’s when I’m going to college.”

He used to feel discouraged about speaking up when he struggled with learning at school, but acting has given him more confidence: “I learned, if you don’t understand something, say it. Talk up – ‘Can you help me with this? I don’t get it.’ Now I know I can read things over and over, make notes, write things down.”

Hadyiah, Felix’s CYD advisor, helped him develop these techniques: “When there’s anything school-wise I’ve always come to her. She’s really helpful. She always asks how I’m doing, both inside and outside of school, and helps me find things I can sign up for. Honestly, she helps with everything, all the way around.”

CAS student Felix