Stephen Mahadeo

Stephen Mahadeo

Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Like many of CYD’s students, Stephen Mahadeo is the child of immigrants. “My parents immigrated from Guyana as adults, and as such I understand the challenges of being the first generation navigating the NYC/US education system. My wife and sister also taught at NYC public schools, so hearing from them where gaps exist for certain students made me really appreciate the advice and support that CYD provides.” He was looking for a meaningful board opportunity and found that the way “CYD provides support to an underserviced population and sets them up for success at a critical point in their lives was inspiring. I am really impressed by how ingrained CYD is with the schools they service – it creates a seamless experience for the students. Seeing this firsthand made it clear how comfortable students are with reaching out for advice and support from CYD.” A partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Stephen has been struck by how “CYD’s work on educating youth around the various options available to them – financial aid, trade schools, grants, etc. – really empowers students to think through the best path forward for them as individuals.”

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